Title: Kekkaishi
Type: Anime
Country: Japan
Genre: Supernatural, Fantasy, High School, Magic, Sorcery, Comedy
Airing Date: 2008
Rating: 9.1/10.0
Kekkaishi or 結界師 (Japanese) is an action-packed anime, embedded with comedy, fantasy and loads of supernatural elements. Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yumikura are junior high school students who descended from Kekkaishi, part of the Hazama clan. As the exterminators of Ayakashi (demonic monsters), the young warriors are guided by their grandparents. Adapted from a manga series by Yellow Tanabe, it received the 2007 Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga.
To guard the ancient land, our heroes used a spell or technique called Kekkai that creates a magical barrier to capture and destroy the Ayakashi who lusted after the hidden powers emanating from the site. Luminous renderings, flawless storyline and endearing characters. A less grandeur architectures (despite the supernatural setting) it makes up for a smart locust-like aero-sail-glider and of course the innovative Kekkai box. I desperately wish for one - to trap and terminate "vermins". Overall, I'd give Kekkaishi 9.1/10.